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Dairy Farmer

Dairy Solar
Helping Dairy Operators Save Money Through  Energy Independence

We help dairy farmers receive USDA grant money for purchasing solar systems to fully power their dairy.  These funds often offset virtually all expenses and can allow dairy operators to receive free energy for over 25 years.

Our  Mission

Dairy Farming

How It Works

6 Steps to Energy Independence



Give us a call or send us an email and we will answer any questions you have about the program.  There are often many things that farmers want to ask and we take the time to ensure you understand the whole process.


Energy Usage

You send us a copy of your latest energy bill so that we can design and size the system.  Our technical team will determine if we can install the panels on an existing roof structure or if a ground mounted system is better.  We will also determine the number of panels required to power the dairy.


Financial Plan

Our team will present a technical and financial plan for the project.  There is no cost for performing the assessment and delivering the report.


Permitting and Installation

We obtain all necessary permits and schedule the install with a certified solar team.  


USDA Grant

If you decide to move forward, our grant writers fill out all of the necessary paperwork to ensure you obtain all available state and local benefits.  We have a 100% approval rate on the grants we have submitted.



Your farm transitions from just producing agricultural products to also producucing all of its own energy

Solar Panels

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for powering my dairy? 

Give us a call and we will answer any questions you have about the program.  We will ask you send us a copy of your latest energy bill so that we can design and size the system.  Our technical team will determine if we can install the panels on an existing roof structure or if a ground mounted system is better.  We will also determine the number of panels required to power the dairy. Our team will present a technical and financial plan for the project. There is no cost for performing the assessment.  If you decide to move forward, our grant writers fill out all of the necessary paperwork to ensure you obtain all available state and local benefits.  We have a 100% approval rate on the grants we have submitted. We obtain all permits and schedule the install and when powered on, your farm enjoys free, American Made, energy for over 25 years.


What is the payback period?

The USDA's Infrastructure Reduction Act approved billions of dollars to help rural areas convert to solar power.  This federal grant can be coupled with state funds where available and there are also significant accelerated depreciation benefits that allow many clients to fully fund their system.  The panels can be fully depreciated over 5 years with over 37% deducted in year one!  It is very often the case that the payback period is under one year.


I typically pay very little in taxes.  How can the depreciation and tax incentives help me?

This is a very common scenario in the dairy world and fortunately we have a solution.  We have cultivated a market of folks who are looking to purchase tax credits to offset liabilities.  We can help broker a deal so that you can transfer your unneeded tax credits to an entity that can use them.  The purchaser typically pays a discounted rate (around 80%) but this allows your dairy to immediately monetize the incentives that would otherwise have little value for you.


I have heard SRECs can help pay for the system too.  What are those?

A Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is a voucher that represents the environmental and social attributes of renewable electricity generated from solar panels. SRECs are "minted" for every 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity produced by a solar system. In states that support an SREC market, you can sell your SRECs to a broker and receive market rate for each one generated.  The price for SRECs varies over time and is different in each state.  Currently, you can sell SRECs in:


  • District of Columbia

  • Delaware

  • Illinois

  • Maryland

  • Massachusetts

  • New Jersey

  • Pennsylvania

  • Ohio

  • Virginia


Prices range from just a few dollars (Ohio) to around $375 (DC).  New Jersey, Massachusetts, Virginia and Maryland are great states for SRECs.  Your system automatically meters energy production and typically brokers pay direct deposit when an SREC is minted so beyond the initial setup, there is virtually nothing for the solar owner to do.



This sounds a little too good to be true!

We agree!  That is why we create a written proposal which we encourage all of our clients to share with their financial and tax advisors so that they can independently validate the program and our financial model with you directly.   



How long does the USDA program last?

This program is designed to last until the funds are all spent.  There is some urgency in getting your grant submitted before the funds are all allocated and the program ends.


I have a farm that is not a dairy, could I qualify? 

Yes.  This grant is for any rural business.  We focus primarily on dairy but the grant applies to poultry, cattle, vegetable, and all other types of businesses.  Even finishing services like cheese making or retail sellers can qualify.



How do I know if I am in a qualifying area? 

There is a search tool on the USDA website that will allow you to put in your address and see if your property qualifies.


Go to:


Select "Rural Business" 























Then select the "Click Here" (this program is part of the REAP grant...Rural Energy for America Program





























Then click "Accept", enter your address and you will see if you qualify. 


I do not own my place.  Can I still get solar if my landlord agrees?

You can get solar but you will not qualify for the grant unfortunately.


Are solar panels dangerous?

Nope.  There are no gasses or moving parts in a solar panel.  It is basically a panel of glass with some electrical components wrapped in an aluminum case.  No noise, no health risk to humans or animals, lots of free energy.



How long do the panels last?

Our panels come with a 25 year warranty.  No moving parts, no oils, no belts .... by design they are exceptionally stable and durable.  The panels we use are made in the USA and qualify for an additional 10% off of the system cost because they are manufactured domestically



What happens at night and on cloudy days?

As part of the install, we swap out your existing power meter with a "net meter".  When your system is producing more energy that the barn is using, the meter runs backward. At night when the system is not producing, the meter takes energy off of the grid just like it does today.   We typically design the systems so that the farm uses no "net" energy from the power company.  You will still need to pay your provider's monthly connection fees, but these are typically nominal.


Does performance degrade over time?

Nominally.  It is likely that the system will be producing in the 85% range even when they are 25 years old.  



USDA Grant for Rural Solar Energy
USDA Grant for Rural Solar Energy
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